Using the api backend of Reflex


i’m working in a monitoring devices paltaform an I need to keep some data structures in api routes.

I have been loking for detailed info but its not really clear and I cant earn an functional code.

I would apreciatte an example or something similar because i cant improve it.

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I share my code to help people to undestand my issue.

import reflex as rx 

class HierarchyState(rx.State):
    hierarchy: Dict[str, Any] = {"factories": []}

    def load_hierarchy(self):
        return self.hierarchy

    def update_hierarchy(self, new_data: Dict[str, Any]):
        return {"status": "success", "message": "Jerarquía actualizada correctamente"}

app.api.add_api_route("/api/hierarchy", HierarchyState.load_hierarchy, methods=["GET"])
app.api.add_api_route("/api/hierarchy", HierarchyState.update_hierarchy, methods=["POST"])

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Hey @erevilla!

The backend API routes aren’t really meant to be hooked up to state -they’re more meant for exposing APIs to other services (for example querying the database).

The reason is that each browser tab gets a unique token and an instance of the state, so when you’re querying the API route, you would have to pass that token to query a current app state.

What’s your use case? Do you want the data to be exposed to other apps outside of Reflex?

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In the last office hours I asked whether this auth service Kinde (Python SDK - Kinde docs) would be possible to integrate into a reflex app without the need of wrapping anything.

You said probably yes, and told me how you’d do it - but I forgot.

I think you said you’d try using these api routes, right? But then, the problem with the unique token comes into place no?

Hey Paul!

You shouldn’t need API routes for this. You can make calls using the SDK as normal and then use event handlers and state methods to eventually propagate information to your front end. Check out the OpenAI calls made in this sample app:

Awesome thanks for the pointer @elvis , could figure it out and it works indeed without the need to wrap any react app! :tada:

For future users my WIP code that works:

"""Welcome to Reflex! This file outlines the steps to create a basic app."""

import reflex as rx
from rxconfig import config
from kinde_sdk import Configuration
from kinde_sdk.kinde_api_client import GrantType, KindeApiClient
import os

# Kinde configuration
KINDE_HOST = os.environ.get("KINDE_HOST", "")
KINDE_CLIENT_ID = os.environ.get("KINDE_CLIENT_ID", "your_client_id")
KINDE_CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ.get("KINDE_CLIENT_SECRET", "your_client_secret")
KINDE_REDIRECT_URL = os.environ.get("KINDE_REDIRECT_URL", "http://localhost:3000")
KINDE_POST_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL = os.environ.get("KINDE_POST_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL", "http://localhost:3000")

configuration = Configuration(host=KINDE_HOST)
kinde_api_client_params = {
    "configuration": configuration,
    "domain": KINDE_HOST,
    "client_id": KINDE_CLIENT_ID,
    "client_secret": KINDE_CLIENT_SECRET,
    "grant_type": GrantType.AUTHORIZATION_CODE,
    "callback_url": KINDE_REDIRECT_URL
kinde_client = KindeApiClient(**kinde_api_client_params)

class State(rx.State):
    """The app state."""

    is_authenticated: bool = False
    user_details: dict = {}
    auth_code: str = ""
    auth_state: str = ""
    auth_attempted: bool = False 

    def login(self):
        print("Login called")
        return rx.redirect(kinde_client.get_login_url())

    def logout(self):
        print("Logout called")
        self.is_authenticated = False
        self.user_details = {}
        self.auth_code = ""
        self.auth_state = ""
        self.auth_attempted = False
        return rx.redirect(kinde_client.logout(redirect_to=KINDE_POST_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL))

    def check_auth(self):
        print(f"check_auth called. auth_code: {self.auth_code}, auth_state: {self.auth_state}")
        if self.auth_code and self.auth_state and not self.auth_attempted:
                self.auth_attempted = True 
                full_url = f"{KINDE_REDIRECT_URL}?code={self.auth_code}&state={self.auth_state}"
                print(f"Attempting to fetch token with URL: {full_url}")
                self.auth_attempted = True
                print("Token fetched successfully")
                self.is_authenticated = kinde_client.is_authenticated()
                print(f"is_authenticated: {self.is_authenticated}")
                if self.is_authenticated:
                    self.user_details = kinde_client.get_user_details()
                    print(f"User details: {self.user_details}")
                self.auth_code = ""
                self.auth_state = ""
                print("Redirecting to /")
                return rx.redirect("/")
            except Exception as e:
                print(f"Authentication error: {str(e)}")
                print(f"Error type: {type(e)}")

            print("No auth_code or auth_state present, or auth already attempted")
        return rx.redirect("/")

    def handle_auth(self):
        print("handle_auth called")
        if not self.auth_attempted:
            auth_params =
            print(f"Query params: {auth_params}")
            if auth_params.get('code') and auth_params.get('state'):
                print("Code and state found in query params")
                self.auth_code = auth_params['code']
                self.auth_state = auth_params['state']
                return self.check_auth()
            print("Auth already attempted, skipping")

def index() -> rx.Component:
    return rx.container(
            rx.heading("Welcome to Reflex!", size="9"),
                "Get started by editing ",
                rx.button("Check out our docs!"),
                    rx.text(f"Welcome, {State.user_details['given_name']}!"),
                    rx.button("Logout", on_click=State.logout),
                rx.button("Login", on_click=State.login),

app = rx.App()

For local development set the KINDE env vars and in the Kinde website like this:

In some cases,
APIs can only return data to a specified URL (such as asynchronous notifications from some payment systems).
So I think it is necessary to link api_route to the specified user state. In this case,.
I will use aioredis:

  1. When user_date triggers the API, it starts listening and subscribing, passes a UUID in the API, and publishes a Redis
  2. Create an api_route and receive messages based on the uuid
  3. based on the uuid. When user_state receives the subscription

所以我认为,将api_route链接到指定的user state是有必要的。