I’m very new to reflex and I’m trying to wrap the react-chessboard package. (react-chessboard - npm) I’ve been able to wrap the package so that I can include a chessboard in a page but when trying to integrate the chessboard-component with the python-chess library I’m running into an issue.
I see that the original react component has an onPieceDrop property which should be a function: (sourceSquare, targetSquare, piece) => true. Which should return true or false. The return value indicates if the move was successful or not. So I wrapped the onPieceDrop property this way:
on_piece_drop: rx.EventHandler[lambda source_square, target_square, piece: [source_square, target_square, piece]]
and implemented an event handler that integrates the python-chess module to check if a move is valid or not. But I can’t seem to return a boolean value from this event handler to tell the react-chessboard component to accept the move.
This is my wrapped component:
import reflex as rx
class Chessboard(rx.Component):
""" A chessboard component."""
library = "react-chessboard"
tag = 'Chessboard'
allow_drag_outside_board: rx.Var[bool]
animation_duration: rx.Var[int]
are_arrows_allowed: rx.Var[bool]
are_pieces_draggable: rx.Var[bool]
are_premoves_allowed: rx.Var[bool]
auto_promote_to_queen: rx.Var[bool]
board_orientation: rx.Var[str]
position: rx.Var[str]
show_promotion_dialog: rx.Var[bool]
custom_square_styles: rx.Var[dict]
on_piece_drop: rx.EventHandler[lambda source_square, target_square, piece: [source_square, target_square, piece]]
on_square_click: rx.EventHandler[lambda square, piece: [square, piece]]
chessboard = Chessboard.create
and my integration with the python-chess library:
def on_drop(self, source_square: str, target_square: str, piece: str):
move = chess.Move.from_uci(source_square + target_square)
if move not in self._board.legal_moves:
move.promotion = chess.Piece.from_symbol(piece[1]).piece_type
if move in self._board.legal_moves:
self.fen = self._board.fen()
# This return results in a backend-error..
return True
What am I missing here? How do I return a value to the react-component?